Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday, November 10, 2014

This weekend I talked to my mom and dad, and have officially decided on what I am going to do. I am going to take pictures of my church, and then sell them at my church to raise money for my church. The money is going to go towards a fund to help rebuild and add on to my church.

I got this idea on Sunday at church. Every year before Thanksgiving we have a turkey art sale. All the kids in Sunday School make turkey art, then it goes on sale. All the money goes to the East Alabama Food Bank. I was helping my mom put the art on display, and we were talking about my project. I came up with the idea was super happy to do it. And my mom was super happy that the proceeds were going to our church, because she works there.

My goal is to at least make 1,000 dollars buy selling my pictures.
Most of the pictures are going to be of my church and the people who go to my church.

           Emma von Gal

1 comment:

  1. Such a cool idea Emma! I bet people would like candid photos that they are in too. Maybe you can capture some special moments over the course of this year to add into the collection!
